Saturday, October 25, 2008

(for once, i shall not call us freaks) haha, i read sherm's entry and i felt so touched! goodness, we met when we just turned 12. and now we're all 21! almost 9 years of friendships and yes we're more or less the same i'm glad to say... we must find one old old old photo and compare hahahahaha (but pls dont show any other ppl. bleah.)
anyway women! i'm glad to have grown up with you all. i have such cute and funny and sweet memories with each and everyone of you. you have all inspired me and taught me different lessons about life. all sorts of stories we have and all the things we go through together. we may be quite different individuals, but i'm glad we're always so happy and crazy as a group of friends.
yay i ♥ you all!
looking forward to our next gathering!
p.s. please lets take more photos before we turn 31!!!! hahaha.

Sunday, October 19, 2008

hey freakzZzZz! can you believe it, in 2 hours' time we'll all be officially adults already!

at 16 we were wondering if we'll ever grow up, at 21 we're still convinced we havent changed... we've moved from singing band songs, to interrogating each other about boys during sleepovers, and now we're having serious talk about careers!
really glad that even though we've moved through life from one stage to another, when we come together we know it'll always be the same ol' time of poking fun at each other, laughing our fats off, entertaining ourselves with anything and everything, enjoying each other's company.

HAPPY BIRTHDAY RITA! forever 21! :) lol.

Thursday, October 02, 2008

oh yea. here's a gem picture to share with you dwarfs! loves!